The purpose of this server is to provide EurActiv and its partners with a "write once, use everywhere" set of branding assets.
Network Map API | The Map API is a set of assets to add information about the EurActiv Network and members of the network to a given page. |
EurActiv Sections | Styles and icons for EurActiv section menus. |
Style Guide | The common elements across the websites, such as typography, color cabinet, teaser layout, accordions and menus. |
EurActory | Embeddable EurActory Cards |
Call Map Logger | Integrate applications into the call map without writing a full plugin |
Feed Reader | A feed reader API |
Image Lazy-load API | Lazy load images from a set of pre-approved domains to improve performance. |
CSS/JS Library CDN | A single source for third party Javascript and CSS libraries. |
WebCron | Call Cron jobs over the web. |
Logos and favicons | A common location for various images and favicons. |
Symfony2 Apps Branding | Scripts and stylesheets to add EurActiv branding to the consumer side of EurActiv Apps built on the VGMHCommonBundle. |
HTML5 to DFP | Tool to help exporting HTML5 dfp |
Email Signature Generator | Generate email signatures for use in email footers. |
Email Tools | A set of tools for creating and sending email. |
Privacy Protecting Share Buttons | Share buttons that display share counts without sacrificing visitor privacy. |
Although these resources have no technical restrictions, they are covered by all applicable copyright and trademark law. Explicit consent of EurActiv PLC is required for their use.