EurActiv Asset Coordinator

The purpose of this server is to provide EurActiv and its partners with a "write once, use everywhere" set of branding assets.


Network Map API The Map API is a set of assets to add information about the EurActiv Network and members of the network to a given page.
EurActiv Sections Styles and icons for EurActiv section menus.
Style Guide The common elements across the websites, such as typography, color cabinet, teaser layout, accordions and menus.
EurActory Embeddable EurActory Cards
Call Map Logger Integrate applications into the call map without writing a full plugin
Feed Reader A feed reader API
Image Lazy-load API Lazy load images from a set of pre-approved domains to improve performance.
CSS/JS Library CDN A single source for third party Javascript and CSS libraries.
WebCron Call Cron jobs over the web.
Logos and favicons A common location for various images and favicons.
Symfony2 Apps Branding Scripts and stylesheets to add EurActiv branding to the consumer side of EurActiv Apps built on the VGMHCommonBundle.
HTML5 to DFP Tool to help exporting HTML5 dfp
Email Signature Generator Generate email signatures for use in email footers.
Email Tools A set of tools for creating and sending email.
Privacy Protecting Share Buttons Share buttons that display share counts without sacrificing visitor privacy.

Although these resources have no technical restrictions, they are covered by all applicable copyright and trademark law. Explicit consent of EurActiv PLC is required for their use.